Membaca buku-buku
Next it will be megazords 😂
The author is making artificial difficulty because he made him too strong.
My mistake he wasn’t I Minotaur his robot was. I was just under the impression he had bionic enhancements as well.
The leader of the mercenaries. Thunderclap or something like that
They aren’t in the aquarium anymore. Is this story AI generated or something?
Why can’t Carlos have nanobots like nobles? Not at the level of Rex but if even that minataur could have them why can’t Carlos?
I imagined them almost gorilla like.
Yea I don’t know what’s wrong with this author. He needs to have some long chats with a shrink.
This chapter needs editing. It jumps around way to much. Almost like you wrote the paragraphs separately and put them in the wrong place.
Very good so far and unique which I find is the most important in this genre. As long as the MC doesn’t get too ridiculous and a few side characters are given their time to shine and aren’t just trade bots for the story.