• Dreamer • Artist • Writer • Wanderer • Sleeper • - - I write. But I also tend to overthink and over-plan my writings, hence the delayed postings. But if you don't mind my non-perfect writings ...
Membaca buku-buku
Because direct translation of Master is 'old elder(word taken from grandfather), Lao Ye' and Young master is 'young/youth elder, Shao Ye'
System-sama : *scoff*
.... you know how after Asuma died, Shikamaru starting smoking HIS cigs? .... just sayin. #weedshika
That takes trust-falling to a whole ‘nother level lol
Ermmmm. Knife skills? Poisonous(words) tongue? XD
Beauty that can launch a thousand ships .... hmmmm.
And here is where Voldy wept tears of joy
Voldy be having conniptions if this route is taken lols
Self-awareness is a virtue