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omg I love it 😍 this novel is worth your time. ML nd FL has very good chemistry .and all the side couple are truly amazing. story developing in smooth way .no extra drama totally my type . hope you give it a try and enjoy 😊
plz author make Martin believe in Emily I want this couple happy . keep doing good work 👍
honestly right now I don't know where this story is going everything seems frustrating disturbing I'm jus waiting for the revenge part to start nd why every time mL in the wrong spot like his feeling is nothing his crazy so called wife want him jus for fun and ruined everyone life and playing sympathy game 😂 author I want to Know is there any chance for our main couples to reunite with each other ? you know every single tym I open chapter I fill disappointed 😔
this is not Right
plz author another update 🙏😭
more chapter plz
I don't know why in your every novel female lead is so helpless 😥😢 stay strong Kathy I want to konw her side of story too. in my opinion ad you should try to find out the reason why she did it don't step on the conclusion yet . know the reason first then decide I think she suffered more than you do .
you hate her too ?