I'm in my world and that's okay :)
Membaca buku-buku
Removing this from library, can't unlock the chapters anymore. Other comics are working to unlock chapters but this one not anymore, so removing this. It's sad since I already read the novel a few years ago, and I was happy to see they made it a comic...
what happened with the comic? from chapter 21 can't unlock the chapters anymore
How did they know about Rome back then?
From what I know jiejie means sister and gege means brother
There are similarities between this novel and the novel The side character's hidden boss! In this novel the brother broke his arms and falls from the stairs and she experiment with eggs. In TSCH the brother had a car accident and broke his leg and she experiments with meat if I remember correctly. Both of the ex ml are tutors.
I thought it was familiar from the first chapters I've read. There are a few differences between the novels and The side character's hidden boss is already completed. It's sad when this happens.
In the synopsis is written master five. No offense but the right way is Fifth Master.
Little uncle sounds way better than Small uncle. No offence.
It's sound better Little uncle than Small uncle. I mean no offence.
Hello. Just a thought it would be great that instead of writing they whole name all the time you could write instead Lady Melissa and Duke Gaston. No offense.