Devil's Prophecy
Ailish Dawson, a 20 year-old student at William University stumbles upon a prophecy during their field trip in a church- "A child of God will turn the devil into his former form- an angel." This answered all the reason why there are less women in churches.
But without anyone knowing, the Devil didn't want to turn back into an angel so he added a few words in the prophecy, "When the woman meets the devil and decided to turn him back, she, herself will turn into the Devil."
The thought that she may be the "woman" never crossed Ailish's mind since she's not a church-person. While running late to school, she bumped into the Devil's human form, a very handsome and a great gentleman who helped her get on her knees.
What will Ailish do when she founds out she's the angel-turner of the devil? How will the devil handle Ailish, the miracle gift of his Father, when he finds out that he's fallen for her?
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