

2018-12-07 BergabungGlobal



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  • Seeker7157246
    Balas BoNe_of_mY_SwORd

    I find it funny. Low bar but whatever

    I let out a amused chuckle and headed towards the car, For some reason it's just so amusing teasing Thing Like that.
    Reborn In Modern family as Iron Man!
    Televisi · Karate_master_b
  • Seeker7157246
    Balas Cha_D_Bear

    I also wouldn't even notice if a phone was high-tech. Or not. They all look the same. By that I mean flat screen. It would have to transform in front of me for it to be recognizable as advanced.

    Hmm... maybe the Author just got to lazy...
    Reborn In Modern family as Iron Man!
    Televisi · Karate_master_b
  • Seeker7157246
    Balas RexEth

    I think you'll find that. That is definitely not true. Consider the fact that an arc reactor can only power a suit for a day or so With high activity. Considering the things that he could build, i'm gonna assume That the items he can build in. That warehouse are power hogs far beyond what a city could take

    "Jarvis, Deassemble the Mark 5 Armour, and use the old arc reactor to power this whole warehouse"
    Reborn In Modern family as Iron Man!
    Televisi · Karate_master_b
  • Seeker7157246

    I can't understand his thought process in the slightest. This just seems to be intentionally stupidity in order to ratch up tension when he's obviously wrong. I don't like it

    I simply shrugged at the high possibility of it not coming towards me plus all that attack power I have got, oh cant forget about the gun hehe.
    Reborn In Modern family as Iron Man!
    Televisi · Karate_master_b
  • Seeker7157246
    Balas YesMan

    It just said he ate someone. It's definitely a wind to go. I'm calling it now

    "Sir after gathering all the information about this person previous to this incident, it seems that this person has a record for Cannibilism and before he transformed, he had entered the freezer, where there is no available video after a minute he reappeared looking hagard.
    Reborn In Modern family as Iron Man!
    Televisi · Karate_master_b
  • Seeker7157246

    This particular explanation is very bad. I like the story for the most part, But this breaks the immersion so hard. I'm gonna come back to this later

    "The Seventh feature is an emergency healing pod, it is can be used to treat all external injuries on the body inflicted due to damage, it can even bring a person on the verge of death back if it is a external injury, I had not told you about this due to not fully understanding your nature, whether you are the feckless kind or the safe kind, If you knew about this feature and turned out your personality type was the risk seeking kind then it would be a guarantee safety, which will cause you to be reckless and cause unnecessary damage that could other wise have been avoided, I apologise Sir"
    Reborn In Modern family as Iron Man!
    Televisi · Karate_master_b
  • Seeker7157246
    Balas Thirdus

    Zero perceivable delays

    Rght now it's has zero delay, this is faster than propably any super computers from my memory and its Compact enough to all fit in a laptop as thin as this!
    Reborn In Modern family as Iron Man!
    Televisi · Karate_master_b
  • Seeker7157246
    Balas Nero_K_Cagliostro

    Not a repair shop. The system shop.

    Rght now it's has zero delay, this is faster than propably any super computers from my memory and its Compact enough to all fit in a laptop as thin as this!
    Reborn In Modern family as Iron Man!
    Televisi · Karate_master_b
  • Seeker7157246
    Balas Dragonlord89

    I think he only has the knowledge of how to build a mark one's suit. I think it said in the story that he has all the memories of iron man 1. Does that mean he has all the memories up to that movie or just the memories from the movie

    "I know the amount of power required for running Jarvis on the laptop it will take so I'm gonna make improvements on its processing speed, I'll read up some books today and then I'll buy the parts from the shop to improve it today"
    Reborn In Modern family as Iron Man!
    Televisi · Karate_master_b
  • Seeker7157246
    Balas Charlie_English

    Jarvis's just a code

    Well in actuality it's two weeks enough time for me to fully dedicate to building Jarvis.
    Reborn In Modern family as Iron Man!
    Televisi · Karate_master_b
  • Seeker7157246
    Balas B_O_O

    That's only if the goblins will allow access to an eleven year old kid. I'm pretty sure Harry Potter wasn't able to access it because he was authorized by dumbledore with Hagrid. I could be wrong but there's plenty of reasons to assume an eleven year old wouldn't be able to get anything from a bank.

    The group chatted about themselves quietly as they waited for the first step of the potion to finish. Nick explained about his amnesia and how he didn't actually care if he actually was a muggleborn or not which is why he had chosen not to take the Gringotts test. "You aren't even a little curious , for all you know you could be the long lost descendant of merlin or something." Tracy said not understanding his thinking. Nick shrugged "It's simply no fun to just have everything given to you because of your bloodline. I'd rather earn it all with my own effort and become the next merlin instead." he said proudly.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Seeker7157246
    Balas daoistxuanlong

    It's not that they don't have self-control. It's that they're so used to doing it. They do it on reflex

    The night ended without that conversation of course as Hermione was rather stubborn about learning by herself. Still unlike in the story the majority of first year Gryffindor at least had a decent grasp on potions theory and ingredients now. Nick didn't doubt that Snape will likely look through their memories to figure out why and find Nick at the center of it. 'It's pointless if he does though since Sanar makes gentle legilimency impossible and unless he wants to get reported to the ministry by a whole lot of witnesses hard legilimency is also off the table.' Nick thought smugly.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Seeker7157246
    Balas lordhokage

    You're meme has brought hope and happiness into my life

    Nick had a theory that the reason so many "forbidden" books were in the "ancient" section was because Dumbledore didn't actually know what they contained and as a result had overlooked them. 'More for me I guess.' Nick thought with a grin as he went to the normal sections to try and find normal fundamental books. By the time dinner came around at six he had found literally two books that covered fundamental knowledge. 'This'll have to do for now I guess' he thought depressed as he checked the books out under Ms. Pince's scowl. Dinner was the same as the night before with the selection of food being noticeably english. With the exception of the tacos that had shown up on the table confusing and delighting the majority of the students.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Seeker7157246
    Balas Blood_Prince

    For the most part, you are correct. Pumpkin is horrible, but there is one dessert that takes really good despite the fact that it's made with pumpkin. Pumpkin log. It's freaking delicious

    Nick curiously grabbed the cup near him and took a sip of the orange colored juice in it but grimaced. "Pure pumpkin juice taste a bit weird , should add some vanilla , honey and cinnamon to it." he muttered and much to his surprise the liquid vanished for a moment before returning with a slightly darker color. Tasting it again he found the liquid to now taste like pumpkin pie in a cup which was totally fine by him. "Thanks." he muttered to what he assumed was the house elves eavesdropping on the students to fix any complaints they had.
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Seeker7157246
    Balas tactless91

    He didn't believe harry, which was a mark against him. But he didn't hesitate to go into danger multiple times before and after this

    The sorting ceremony was still ongoing which is why the conversation was cut short but Nick didn't mind. Much like he expected Harry also got put in Gryffindor which created a whole ruckus from the house who were excited to have wizarding Jesus. Ron also got put in Gryffindor as well but Honestly speaking Nick wouldn't put it past the hat to pull a fast one and send him to Hufflepuff for his loyalty. Even in the books Ron never truly abandoned his friends despite falling out with them a few times which proved his loyalty.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Seeker7157246
    Balas bob685014

    He was young. He shaped up. And he didn't hesitate to go into danger even when he was young.

    The sorting ceremony was still ongoing which is why the conversation was cut short but Nick didn't mind. Much like he expected Harry also got put in Gryffindor which created a whole ruckus from the house who were excited to have wizarding Jesus. Ron also got put in Gryffindor as well but Honestly speaking Nick wouldn't put it past the hat to pull a fast one and send him to Hufflepuff for his loyalty. Even in the books Ron never truly abandoned his friends despite falling out with them a few times which proved his loyalty.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Seeker7157246
    Balas Ttrion

    He did but he wasn't convincing

    The worst part was that he was certain that this change was permanent too since it was based on his connection to his wand. Nick could only tell the truth and say he has no idea and try and change the subject by dangling the offer to get similar rings in front of the twins. They noticed his reluctance to talk about his eyes further and willingly took the bait he offered them and promised to hash out the details later.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Seeker7157246
    Balas RustyBoi

    If only prejudice was that easy to get rid of. It doesn't matter how logical your argument is, Some people are just stubborn.

    The most interesting thing that Nick found out about was that while there were other magical communities across the globe very little information was exchanged between them. This was not just a language thing either as traditions were massively different in each one as well. An example of this was how in India parselmouths were widely respected and praised while most english wizards considered those who spoke the language of snakes as dark or evil. Ron apparently and biasedly assumed that the Indian magical community were the ones in the wrong. Neither Harry nor nick corrected him as it was clear he was well and truly set in his ways. -
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Seeker7157246
    Balas Yahya_Talai

    I could be wrong but it looks like he moves his hand into the way of the blast

    For the rest of the month Nick took advantage of the ministries grace period and heavily practiced magic in the workshop with Harry. His talent became apparent when he mastered each spell with laughable ease , Lumos , winggardium leviosa , expeliarmous , the whole list found in the first year books. What was supposed to be an entire years worth of spells took him barely that month to master and use fluently. The only subjects he couldn't get any practical experience with was transfiguration and potions since he lacked the ingredients of one and the other only had theory knowledge in the book , probably on purpose since it was actually a very dangerous subject.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Seeker7157246
    Balas Chris_Matte

    It wasn't craftsmen but one craftsman. The other two are not craftsmen.

    "You lads go see Mr. Olivander for yer wands I have a bit of business to take of myself but I'll meet you afterwards." Hagrid said while pointing at the old shop in the middle of diagon alley that had a brag written on the front of the door "Makers of fine wands since 382 B.C". The man handed Nick seven galleons which was apparently the price of every wand in the shop regardless of material or core. That seemed like it shouldn't be that way what with the price some of those materials command like phoenix feathers that normally cost a massive amount.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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