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Waste, of a wish, in 3 secons I could come up with a 3 better wishes - The Affinity for Magic -Change it to Affinity for everything, if it's to powerful, make them all start at average, but the more you study something, the higher your talent gets, -Black half-blood is a mid choice, but ok, leet's say you still want to be a black, but it can be improved, you aren't just a normal black, your magic at the moment of being born, changed you forever, you accidentally, went through atavism, purrifying your blood of geenetical defects (like the black madness) and awakening all the talents of your ancestors (which by being purebloods, means, that you have a bit of blood of most families) which means metamorphmagus, parseltongue, probably some seer bloodlines, and probably some other secret talents that run on families The third one is the stupidest by far -Insted of some Made up Animal, transformation, just wish for Shape-shifting, you can be any animal, you want, even without this wis specific to animagus, transformation, you just had to ask to be able to modify the animagus ritual to be done multiple times, and then use your aaffinity to magic to modify it by yourself to be able to become a mythic animal
"Look gwen, you have to treat a car like you treat a woman" "Go on" "... No, i've sensed i have made a mistake of some kind"
Biological manipulation is straight up op, you would be able to copy all bloodline powers, easily
This is plenty op, i appprove, hopefully you can upgrade it to biological manipulation
Well, i hope you will demonstrate it in the story, because while it sounds good and all everything wee've seed them do is fight Templars, and then hide from society
Hey, I've been reading you fic for a while and i got to ask, will the mc join the Assassin's? Or will the mc make his own branch of them? One of the problems the Canon Brotherhood is that they don't have a main objective, I mean, really think about it, their only objective is the protection of free will, which is noble but ultimately useless, because if your orrganization is designated to protect "something" it will need something to protect it from, so let's do an experiment, and the Assassin's finally kill every Templar, and hide everything that was Isu, what's the work of the Brotherhood now? Well obviously, go and eliminate tyrants, and replace them with better leaders, which means that now, the Brotherhood is controlling from the shadows, meaning they became the new Templars... Do you know why in 2012 the Templars were on top of the Assassin's by the leagues? The Templars in the lore try to tell you as much, they are willing to die because the do have an objective, a dream thet could die for That dream was divided in 3 main parts: 1 Research all Isu Artifacts 2 Advance Human Society 3 Enslave the Sheep so that they can't mess with the Real People working in Iimproving their lives If the Templars remove the third step i would gladly join them, i mean what's not to like? If you work hard enough, you get rich, and you become a leader etc... Asssassin's on the other side, rather to hide the Artifacts, keep the status quo and then just wait till the next Tyrant appears to fight them. You should thing what does the Mc want to do besides killing the Death eaters, will he become a politician? A lawyer? Minister? Change doesn't start by killing the one preventing it and doing nothing, it's starts with doing someeto cbange things
No, he just gained a devil's "bloodline" power for himself, i think