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The Nerf is coming but of course the reason is to MC win despite the limitations then why give them in the first place
I hope your love interest doesn't involve Elena as I hope to read this and support this all the way but I'm a loyal Delena fan so please 💕 consider this as there many beautiful woman in TVDU so please 🥺 spare Elena
I hope not cause Delena Forever , I hope Author show Delena human life and their kids
America horror type with overpowered protagonist
In Conan, people have a brain option system 人在柯南,有脑内选项系统 is the original Raw
yeah like this and thanks I will try this If you know more then please 🥺 tell me I'm bored
美恐:开局大战杰森,我白银大超 if you know novel like this then can you send me Raws too
This is a very good Horror fanfic that I've read just below "Kill Through American Horror Story, Starting from the Witch Coven" also known as 《杀穿美恐,从女巫集会开始》 Author can you recommend horror fanfic like this please