


a bored guy without a hobby

2018-10-23 BergabungGermany



Membaca buku-buku




  • Dovos
    Balas KingsCandidate

    the problem is that someone could choose a "punishment" as reward or something that can't easily transferred. for example if someone wishes as reaard that someone else dies or gets cursed, what part of that reward will he get? or if someone cursed/mind controlled wishes to die, does he then die too? dose he get injured/weakened instead? it is always better to restrict wishes like that behind additional choices and conditions.

    William smiled. Whenever another plays your game and wins, I want a portion of the reward they choose!
    Infinite Potential System
    Fantasi Timur · NecW
  • Dovos
    Balas DaoistQHf0MT

    well not quite. he should have set limits to it like that the reward can't hurt, curse, weaken or negatively influence him. or to make it easier, him being able to refuse rewards that he doesn't like.

    William smiled. Whenever another plays your game and wins, I want a portion of the reward they choose!
    Infinite Potential System
    Fantasi Timur · NecW
  • Dovos

    he has such a hight mana capacity and regen. why isn't he converting that into spirit qi? it would be way less destructive to the surroundings.

    Ch 425 System Upgrade, Wasted Points?
    Infinite Potential System
    Fantasi Timur · NecW
  • Dovos

    ups. welp thats it.

    Ch 727 Trap
    Poison God's Heritage
    Fantasi Timur · Biako
  • Dovos
    Balas TwistedLove

    it can be worse punishment than a death sentence.

    The former supreme commander was being sent to the 4th order as a knight with all of the commoners that he hated so much and would be under Harvey's command.
    My Wife and I Became Sages in Another World
    Fantasi · CaracasM
  • Dovos

    but that ruines way too much of the meat...

    Even when the bulls tried ramming her with their horns, she easily avoided them and slashed their bodies open with one strike that was almost too fast for me to see. As for myself, I used my ever-trusty 'bo' and coated the tips with strong fire magic mixed with air magic. This way, I was able to add gas to the fire and turn it into a bright blue that burned intensely, allowing me to burn through the bulls' skin easily.
    My Wife and I Became Sages in Another World
    Fantasi · CaracasM
  • Dovos

    making chocolate is one of the recipes where i wonder how they figured it out. it has many very specific steps.

    When I inspected them, they were called "choco beans". I couldn't help but let out a muffled laugh. ("Pffft, 'choco beans'? That sounds like a snack you would buy at the store or something…")
    My Wife and I Became Sages in Another World
    Fantasi · CaracasM
  • Dovos
    Balas nebula

    there are many different types of that instrument. so im not surprised that the improvised version resembles another one. also xylophone and glockenspiel look almost the same.

    Another was similar to a xylophone. I used small iron bars with different widths and nailed them to two wooden boards. When the iron was hit with a hard stick, it made different *ding* sounds with higher or lower pitches, depending on the iron plate width.
    My Wife and I Became Sages in Another World
    Fantasi · CaracasM
  • Dovos
    Balas Sona_Baron

    yeah he is in copium denial. also we can't forget that dhe is currently just 14 so it isn't that surprising that he isn't asking directly.

    ("Her favorite dessert, huh? Just like her…")
    My Wife and I Became Sages in Another World
    Fantasi · CaracasM
  • Dovos

    the worst villains are the heroes. the only difference between an hero and villain is from what perspective you look at that person. especially fantasy heroes have often higher kill rates than the villains they fight against.

    Even the most innocent of people would become ruthless if their entire family was killed right in front of their eyes. 
    System's POV
    Fantasi · Elyon
  • Dovos

    my guess is that it is an academy for a school ark.

    Another ??? location... Is it some sort of City that I need to visit after Ascending?
    Infinite Potential System
    Fantasi Timur · NecW
  • Dovos

    well you could argue that its the systems fault. it even took pp from him for it, so it should have known that it is the safest and easiest to upgrade the chaos first. that said it is probably an excuse of a technicality in his wording or so.

    William blamed himself for choosing to upgrade the Elements in order of difficulty. In truth, he should have upgraded the Chaos Element first, since it would only have as strong an effect on him as the power of his other Elements.
    Infinite Potential System
    Fantasi Timur · NecW
  • Dovos
    Balas boiled_egg

    yeah i wonder when he will get the remaining body talents that he is still missing

    William didn't want to leave behind his other Physical Talents while the others were already two ranks ahead. He planned to even out all of his Physical Talents other than the Wrestling Talent, which was still at D-Rank since it sounded useless.
    Infinite Potential System
    Fantasi Timur · NecW
  • Dovos
    Balas ApproachingStorm

    this comment section is the funniest crap i have read in a long time. you all know that there are cultures where a quick hug and kiss is a normal greeting between friends. its not like she is fully making out with that guy to test her powers or kissing him multiple times. not every culture has kissing as more sacred than seeing the other gender in underwear.

    Carnal Cultivation
    Fantasi · ASKeeling
  • Dovos

    im surprised that there isn't a limit. the space should become unstable with so many space rings close together.

    42 Space Rings can be stored on my legs, 12 on the necklace, and 18 on my fingers...that's 72 Space Rings!
    Infinite Potential System
    Fantasi Timur · NecW
  • Dovos
    Balas John_3885

    there was no notification that it went up. it seems that the heavens didn't find it worthy enough to pay even more attention than it already did.

    -Attention: 1
    Infinite Potential System
    Fantasi Timur · NecW
  • Dovos
    Balas Bored_gamer

    it seems that i missed a typo in the past. it is bad and not bald. bad capitalism is one that is build on the idea of debt like the one we currently have.

    He not only criticized the current economic system, but also asked the students to try entrepreneurship in order to take control of the economy and build a better and fairer economic system.
    My Virtual Girlfriend Is Actually a Lady From the Richest Family
    perkotaan · Dark_Crow1111
  • Dovos
    Balas Lmaoweb_Nov6

    humans completely suppressed nature and now nature is fighting back. im just a bit surprised at the speed of growth.

    Another Array Master spoke up at this moment, "Sir, I've been keeping an eye on the Livingwood forest for about a month now. It seems the Cultivation of the Wind Wolves has increased on average to the Nascent Soul Realm.
    Infinite Potential System
    Fantasi Timur · NecW
  • Dovos
    Balas CisolfoHiper

    just because it is 10% more likely to win the lottery, it doesn't mean that this makes it noticeable more likely to win. you can still play for a few hundred million $ and never win.

    He didn't miss the part where the System said that Enlightenment was extremely rare. A ten percent increase might not even be that impressive, so William didn't get his hopes up.
    Infinite Potential System
    Fantasi Timur · NecW
  • Dovos
    Balas Chrysalis208

    magic is so op in itself that not using insta kill attacks is a general plot armor. human bodies are very weak. any form of magic casted inside or directly around the body is insta kill magic with almost no costs. cutting a few cm2 inside thr brain is already enough to kill.

    How could Space Magic be so simple and straightforward? Not only was it complicated, but the negative effects on the body were immense. An inexperienced Space Mage would probably end up similar to how William did during his testing phase, headless. Without incredible life-saving measures, a Space Mage would have to be very careful of how they used their Magic.
    Infinite Potential System
    Fantasi Timur · NecW