If any of the authors check on my account because I wrote something mean on their novels, then I'm sorry I hurt your feeling, I hate how some of you don't put in the effort to make it better.
Membaca buku-buku
whatever happened after Kazuma saved megumins dad from the goblin tribe?
15, 400
his sigil
right there
talk about ship goals, I'm jealous
The hero Excel: Deuvincere (My meaning, "I have excelled your expectations, now I am here to defeat or to conquer the stage of conflict.") In Latin, Excel "excellere": "Excellere" translates to "to rise above, surpass, be superior, or be eminent." in Latin, Deus or Deu is short for "Deus Ex Machina": This phrase, meaning "a god from a machine," refers to a contrived resolution or plot device(The Mc) in a story, where a god(author) or other supernatural force intervenes to solve a problem. in Latin, "Vincere" translates to "to conquer," "to defeat," or "to overcome."
ooooo~ I love it when novels bring along Goosebumps, doing great fam