--'{@ | Poet and lurker | Wandering through cyberspace. | It's nice to meet you.
Membaca buku-buku
--'{@ | That's dedication | For just some recreation. | Man loves his fishing.
--'{@ | You can imagine | The parents just standing there | And blinking at him.
--'{@ | If he's unable | To do what he's supposed to, | He would get kicked out.
--'{@ | Guess I'm too used to | Streamers who don't doxx themselves. | He keeps doing it.
--'{@ | Not catching a fish | While others keep reeling them. | That's relatable...
--'{@ | There's always someone | Who got to put others down | For Internet cred.
--'{@ | A modest Streamer | Who's not begging for money? | Don't read that often.
--'{@ | I am enjoying | Learning how other cultures | Go about fishing.