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from where?
The reason for it will be unveiled later on.
keep on reading and you will know
I want to showcase different culture in different planets
I understand where you are coming from, but ask your older generation especially those who have not been enlightened about cartoons and anime. For them, anime and cartoons are the same and are meant for children.
Thanks for pointing out my mistakes and being so understanding. The last few months have been hectic, the college semester has been shortened from normal near about 6 months to only a little over 3 months, but the syllabus is the same as such workload including the assignments and tests are keeping most of my time occupied, with little to no time to even think or write properly.
I know, but at that time he did not know how the system worked, so he could not turn it off.
it is good to have you back
Are you sure you want to take that bet?
really? what is the name of the comics