A pure chunibyiou
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Of course he can't change the pokemon he has in his current team, but considering both anime and games, it has no rule saying which of them send to the firld
Obviosly. Just remember that most canon elite trainers focus in a specific type or two
Onix now? no ofense please but original author is stupid here. sending a rock/ground type against a brutal water type, has non sense. He should have sent his electabuzz
The marvel version of chaos brigade?
maybe it is an anime effect
Considering both FGO's setting, and a summon that USED 3 monsters to summon it, like canon's god cards, do you think it would can be considered a god card?
Considering both FGO's setting, and a summon that USED 3 monsters to summon it, like canon's god cards, do you think it would can be considered a god card?
no surprise to be "just" anime effect, too much OP
It has some speels and traps that activate from gy. depending of situation, block/petrify them temporary, can be better