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Thanks for the chap! Don’t know if you’re already planning it but it’d be nice to see Aedan have a scene spelling out to snape how childish his grudge is or something along those lines. Keep up the great work
Thanks for the chap, loving it! Can’t wait for more
Thanks for the chapter
Thanks for another great chapter!
Sweet new chapter! Thanks author, more please, thanksgiving mass release!!!! Or not, whatever ya want
The is for the chap author, think you’re doing a great job
Love the concept and story so far, can’t wait for more. Mc kind of gives me vibes of the really strong waiter character from durarara that would always break his bones cause he had similar muscle control issues. Need more chapters!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the chap, more please and thanks
Thanks for the chapter!
Loving it so far, need more chapters please and thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!