Magic God:Techno-Dystopia
After myriad tribulations, the path to the peak is vast... what's next? is there any joy to witness anymore?
But once the peak is reached, in order to attain this step, sacrifice is necessary, was it worth it?
Through his sacred veil and his ten wings, he held his staff... Morpheus regarded the mortals that thrived, suffered, enjoyed, loved.
Above him were the heavens, the God that pushed him through this path.
Morpheus is such an individual, but God didn't count on the fact that in order to reach such a goal, a primal twist of
the individual's mind is needed.
"My son... you have reached the peak, but your soul might have perished along the way. Allow me to imbue your existence with joy and purpose."
After reaching the peak, Morpheus felt devoided of amusement and life, forsaking all of his secular needs and desires, sacrificing himself
for his family, his clan, his country, his continent... always a sacrifice.
He was fated to go through the path of solitude and power.
"Father... I don't want to go."
Those were the words he said to the god that insisted to push him away from this world, after everything he sacrificed to reach the peak, he is to be sent away?!
For what reason?!
Magic is the peak of nature, the peak of human evolution, but in the vast existence there are worlds that don't believe such, worlds
that believe in the path of machines.
"My son, there are several worlds that might do with a touch of your grace, a touch of your knowledge... I shall now send you there as the saviour that will take those worlds back to the righteous path, you that dominate magic and life, who could possibly be better?"
"But father... I... I worked so hard to reach here, how can you do this to me?!"
"You don't understand this yet, my son, but this is for your own sake... go there and live, conquer, form, thrive, fight... I shall allow you to retain your memories, but the vitality of those worlds is swiftly decaying and thus, your divinity is limited... I trust you shall manage to not only save those words as you did this one but also, to finally live... don't sacrifice your desires again... follow your desires, my son."
And just like that, with a living body but a dying soul, Morpheus was sent on his way with a lot of reluctance.
The one that had reached the peak of nature, the peak of magic, shall face against those insolent ones that believe technology is the way, and
destroy themselves in the process.
Enjoy the story of a traditional magic protagonist, journeying through a dark cyberpunk world.
#Gore, #Romance, #Harem, #Action, #OverpoweredMC, #Sci-fi, #DarkThemes, #Technology, #Magic, #AIs, #Robots
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Photosphere · Fiksi Ilmiah