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interesting. Resident Alien
I wish for at least 1 story to have a MC say something like...i'd like this year's tuition back for this nonsense the lack of safety. What idiot controls the wards to protect the school and allows this. What idiot staff does it employ that allows that to happen. What Idiot send students back out to their dorms when 99% of all students are safe in the Hall during the feast. Or just contact DMLE with all of that and mention the shit on the third floor. Why do all adults that get reincarnated suddenly loose all ration thought when they gain magic.
Enchantment and not Alchemy for that stuff
Ashley is 100X better than your other choices so far.
Ashley is 100X better
Ashley is 100X better choice.
thanks for the chapter
It was at this point I looked after the chapter titles to come and noticed that you made him a slythern. Good luck with your writing.