


I love reading, one of those things that make the world with living in.

2018-07-11 BergabungGlobal



Membaca buku-buku

  • Fernizer
    Fernizera day ago

    This is stupid. Inconsistent names, names not matching the characters, grammar mistakes, punctuation mistakes, stupid names like 'third generation' instead of simple 'third hokage'... and I won't even start about plot itself and the system, as this is a translation and that should be the point of a review. It looks like translation thrown it into some translation tool, copied the output without even really looking and checking for mistakes and then pasted it straight into the webnovel. Few minutes of reading and editing per chapter would place it at least at the 'readable' level and translator did not even bother to do that. I'm not really sure why would anyone post something so low quality if it isn't your own work that you want to get some advice on. Overall 2/10 at most, won't recommend anyone, no matter how much free time you have.

  • Fernizer
    Fernizer3 days ago
    Balas Krampus069

    That honestly depends on what you prefer, if you think you can update the chapter and change things without messing up that part of the story? Why not, you are the author here, ability to update the chapters exists for a reason. If you are not confident in editing without making more problems or just don't want to make changes? You can, for example, create an auxiliary chapter with all chat group members and short descriptions of them for the readers that don't know them.

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  • Fernizer
    Fernizer4 days ago

    It, from the start, doesn't look bad. I haven't seen any significant problems in first few chapters that would make me drop it before I even reached 10 chapters. Story itself? Something I haven't read in quite a while: reincarnation with wishes. I don't feel like it is a spoiler considering how early in the story those, literally in the first chapter, but if I did spoil you first half of the first chapter, I apologize. It seems to follow standard route: I don't like how things got to go in the original plot, so I going to do it the way I like, getting power, women and friends along the way. As the auxillary chapter (and tags) suggest he is going to be quite powerful so that's something one should take a note of before starting to read. Writing, overall, was.... let's say good enough. I had some problems with powerscaling of some characters, how they behaved and other such things, but those are more or less for author to dedcide: if he thinks character should be weaker than I think it should be, then it's gonna be weaker and I can't do anything other than stop complaining or write my own story if I think I can do better. I didn't read enough to comment much on the plot itself as a whole (as it honestly didn't progress that much until the moment I stopped), but it looks ok, if quite predictable, from what i've read until now. Other than that? Author responds. Like, it may probably sound stupid to some people, but author responding to comments is nice and I really like it. One thing that kinda annoyed me was that author kinda overuses bolding. Some of uses, like task title or some names, I can get behind, but author kinda thrown uses it as he pleases and it feels weird. If you don't assign some specific function for specific type of formating (like using bold font when character like god or powerful monster talks), then it's usually used for denoting some kind of power or importance behind bolded text. And here it kinda... doesn't? But I have to give it to the author, he got a bit better with this one. Not quite to the level I would like, but almos good enough for me to ignore it. Other than that, there were small editing decisions that I didn't like. Sometimes I felt like dropping things into new paragraph, how to present who is talking or other similar, small things, but they are more of a preference than anything else, so some people may think of them as 'the proper way' so that's it. Hopefully when this story gets a bit longer I can say more good things, but for now leave this at 7/10 and wait for more chapters.

  • Fernizer
    Fernizer4 days ago

    Why this format for talking? Earlier dialogues are normal, but here you suddenly start pointing out the person before the quotes.

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  • Fernizer
    Fernizer4 days ago
    Balas Krampus069

    Introduction is generic? Then think of a way to make it less generic or make it small enough that it won't disrupt the flow of the story, but it will still be there. You have a chat group, so video call? Photos? Maybe avatars that would be real enough so they don't have to wonder who is who before they speak? At least some mention that they did indeed introduce themselves to each other?

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  • Fernizer
    Fernizer4 days ago

    Really taller than any structure they had seen before? Haven't Maki been inTokyo and seen Tokyo Skytree? Same with Subaru? Not to mention your average skyscraper has more than 50 meters that the Walls are supposed to be iirc.

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  • Fernizer
    Fernizer4 days ago
    Balas Mrweepknight

    I needed to read it twice, very carefully, to understand it.

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  • Fernizer
    Fernizer4 days ago

    For inner voice and thought its ususally either normal text + single apostrophes, quotation marks + italics, or single apostrophes + italics. If you would like to use something else, like bold in this case, you may want to specify it somwhere? Maybe some section at the beginning/end of the chapter explaining what specific formating is used for or, if that section is too big, an auxillary chapter explaining things? Something like 'this and that is for normal speech, that other formating is for thought, and the third one is for spells and/or techniques'? It can make it easier for you, as you won't have to go through previous chapters to check what formating was used for what purpose and we will have clear explanation why certain things are bold, why they are italics or why they are not.