Describe myself? Me? Well... I'm the type of guy that enjoys reading!!! ^^
Membaca buku-buku
My bad. Must have forgotten about those
Ancestral Followers in Liurnia and not underground?! Everybody's gonna get sniped!
Nvm, he is an Emitter
It just mostly depends on how much free time I have and if the ideas flow smoothly. So there isn't really a "schedule". Like 90% of the time, I brainstorm and have shower thoughts, and then the last 10% is me struggling to write in out in a concise form.
I actually have an idea that is similar to that for one of the other Player's ability. Though I'm still trying to figure out the specifics, as balancing it from becoming immediately overpowered is a bit challenging.
...It's been one day. ONE!
He could, but it's more likely that the Jedi Masters find out and give him a punishment. Force sight and all of that
I wonder if he can adapt to the sleepiness... as it's not a naturally induced sleepiness