Born into Suffering. Suffering leads to death.Parting with one's desire leads to Bitterness.Bitterness leads into what one does not desire. Being unable to obtain one's desires leads into Suffering.
Membaca buku-buku
Jadeskin isn't really a fighting art. more of a body refinement art.
Okay, sorta kinda a spoiler but not really. What I said in this comment wasn't entirely true. Garralosh isn't an Ancient, she just had the potential to become one.
Okay, but wouldn't they have fewer people to work then, therefore reducing there next tribute even more?
I want to catalog every novel that uses the Blue Planet then write out all of their MCs meeting.
Okay, so im pretty sure if I've understood it correctly, the mc has two worlds. His real world and his simulation world. The real world was still only 1 hectacre, and earlier when it said his world was growing, it was actually just his simulated world that was growing.
A lot of people are complaining about the levels and their names. For me it's the order of the names. Pre Celestial makes sense, but then it should be Lesser Celestial, then, Pericelestial(Peri means about or around, and when combined with certain words can mean current, so I this case would mean currently is a celestial. Then Greater Celestial, and finally Post Celestial.
Can Anthony feed it his legs? He can regrow them so infinite biomass?
The way I see it, the author has realized the plot hole and this is him correcting it. So for Anthony, Hatchling and Hatchling(Core) are Tier 0. Then Mature Worker(Tier 1), Mind Ant(Tier 2), Dispersed Mind Ant(Tier 3) For the Colony its probably, Hatchling(Tier 0), Superior Hatchling(Tier 1), Mature Worker(Tier 2) and then whatever specialized role is Tier 3, which includes but is not limited to Juvenile Queen, Soldier and it's three variants, Brood Tender, Core Worker, and Carver. Also, this would put Garralosh as Tier 5, as she has 5 tiers of kids, so assuming croca beasts are tier zero and she's one tier above her oldest kids.