Wait and hope.
Membaca buku-buku
Podes escribir en español si quieres. Look, having a strong peerage/waifus is not the point of this fic. This story is character driven, meaning that the possible interactions between characters and their personalities is what matter to me. Neither of the two girls you named would fit with this story/my sense of humor so I won’t include. Besides, having too many characters can ruin a story.
Mostly because I don't like xianxia stories.
This isn’t a pokemon fic. Catching waifus will never be the goal .
Because you did. This is basically a more polished version of that quest...the grammar of the early chapters there left a lot to be desired and since I was too lazy to fix, I decided to just write an sotry based on it instead.
Te estaba por decir que leas los tags, pero ahora me doy cuenta que olvidé agregarle ese particular tag... aunque de todas formas debería ser obvio que es harem a estas alturas. El romance no será tan relevante como la comedia .
She is talking about Riser.
For those who aren't familiar with the source material (The author read the wiki) Crom Cruach is the third strongest dragon alive and likely the seventh or eighth strongest being in the world by this point. He can literallly demolish Riser with just his pinkie.