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really hope thats the name and not the ingredient...
yeah..dragons must be the size of continents lol
Theres one that i remember , its even good written story, its a crossover, basically naruto that gets into dxd , hes pretty powerful so no retarded friendship power and its only NarutoxKoneko, name is A Simple Teenage Shop Owner you can find it on fanfiction . net
Yup. It was a ASOIAF/GOT fanfic now i dont know anymore, what a waste of potential and my time too, i read 50 chapters to se this s&/t...
goes to mass effect not marvel lol sorry typo
crysis effect, a crossover , character from crysis goes to marvel, decent stuff. nothing greeaat but decent. goggle it, it has 2 parts in fanfiction . com
number one fanfic in this website* i think i deleted that part, or its some sort o bug.
3 stars overall score, why? because author decide to have 3 chapters with 3 different personality for the mc. He says that he will get revenge blah blah blah but its just a clear edgelord type of fanfic. Also, this is cliche galore, honestly, its a bit better than other webnovels here but not that much. Writing quality 4 stars- why? because its decent compared to other webnovels here, author leaves comments in chapters that are almost the same size as the whole chapter but yeah, oh and pls plsplsplspls send powerstones to the guy , wtf man are you thanos or what?~ updates-5 stars i dont think that he misses a update since he has written chapters in advance and at this point i dont care... Story- Have you ever ever ever in your entire writing carreer the phrase SHOW DON´T TELL ? World Background- cliche , and not tastefully done cliche like you expect someone who wrote a fanfic with almost 200 chapter about the same freaking world. Honestly dissapointed and more dissapointed since this is freaking number one fanfic in here, like wtf?
Im just trying to help you out but you really need to renake this chapter if you want more viewers, i think this is the 3 time i clicked on your fanfic just to stop reading here because of this kindergarten dialogue format. Its just my opinion take it how you will.
From what movie ?