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Not gonna lie, from what I hear, the original Penelope is I vibe 😂 I most definitely like her and whish that she came back from the dead instead, but I’ll give the new Penelope a chance.
I‘ve only read 11 and a half chapters so far but I’m dropping this book. The reason why is because I can already predict a lot of things that’s going to happen and I don’t like how the duchess treats her husband. She acts spoiled and doesn’t take her husband feelings into consideration. She’s not the only person who lost a child so why does she feels that it’s ok to take in a girl that looks similar to the daughter that they lost despite his disagreement. If they are partners and treat each other equally, then both their options would matter and the other wouldn’t bully the other into making a decision. She constantly rolls her eyes at her husband and ignores him but says that she loves him, which is very contradicting. Anyways the author throw the fact that the father kept his biological daughter inside all the time, which is basically foreshadowing the fact that she ran away and isn’t dead. If this is the type of book that I know it is then the author would somehow make the biological daughter a butt nugget to curry favor for the FL even more. I personally think that if any person, especially a 15-16 year old child(however old she is) is a horrible spoiled brat who doesn’t care about anybody’s livelihood then it’s the fault of the parents who raised her, especially since it was stated that the duchess personally raised her which also says a lot about the duchess. The FL even stated that she wanted to meet her adopted brothers naturally but then proceeded to ask about their favorite place and then proceeded to go there. The contradictory in this novel is so strong in the first few chapters of the novel, imagine when the story advances.In conclusion this novel gives off very delusional vibes especially from the readers in the comments and I a advait who loves powerful women and well written characters (“weak women” included, but in truth I feel that no woman is weak. Not in my dictionary anyway) know that this novel has wasted its potential starting around at this point.
I really don’t like rebirth systems. They’reso unrealistic to me.
As expected of the women who carried the family on her back while her father was away.
It seems like they took the warm clothes and gave him the nasty food that she sent him.
But like the timing wa suspiciouss especially the how she knew the whole situation when she showed up. It’ s like she was there from the beginning and only helped out when it was escalating so she can seem more praise worthy. Anyways don’t never trust people like that because they be the worst kind of two faced people.
Y'all forgetting that this girl is like 15 years old. Let's not even talk about how her momma called her original daughter slow but she's the one who raised her and I guess that the fathers side of the family raised her to. As the saying goes your children are a reflection of their parents/guardians or how they were raised. Anyways I fully blame the adults for letting others pray on their young descendant and blaming the child when they are the ones who are really at fault, and let’s not forget about how the lost the child for a whole year and didn’t even find her, she came back on her own. No wonder she came back didn’t, anybody would.It's all about accountabilityting.
I knew he betrayed him as soon as he said sorry your highness 🥱
I knew he was slow but I didn’t know he was this slow.
🥱 I need he mother-in-law to give her another stern talking to cause atp he gullible self needs it.