I read at webnovel but I read more outside webnovel
Membaca buku-buku
you seem to be some sort of a "leader", but can't handle being wrong and resort to this, now you're actually the one that needs a backbone
couldn't think of something to say so we resort to calling me retarded... there u go, there's your ego showing
she actually graduated, I'm proud of you lil dragon
All of these are making me crazy lol
wild vs domesticated has difference, if it's not cooked properly, it might taste bad, so why not sell the more expensive but hard to cook then buy cheaper domesticated breed?
now the guy argued with me before even answering you lmao guy couldn't refute u
by "guy" I mean the previous commentor
don't bother with that guy, he's obsessed with position he can't even alloe himself to be commanded by elders/family, classic ego
and not only that, it's literally FUCKING WAR, do u fucking understand what war is? suggestions and advice is not possible, you either get commands or you risk fucking dying, so the only way here is he either command them with his measly experience or fucking follow commands, hesitation leads to death, not following orders can lead to death