Just a writer doing writing things!
Membaca buku-buku
Been looking for a tower novel on this site and this is pretty good. A little slow paced, but feels like it has the potential to be good. Will keep tabs on and review later when it hits 100 chaps
oh yeah i forgot, just worried that they aren't copy pastable
Discord link! Remove spaces in https h t t p s ://discord.gg/uAxHjMDW
yeah i'll probably get one up tomorrow once i figure out some basic stuff for it
for all intents and purposes, they have normal physical bodies in hell because souls ARE bodies in Hell and function similarly to physical bodies as a result, they are born similarly to humans and so on, though there's lots of room for differences. it's just that since they're native to hell, to go to the normal world, they need transfer their consciousness into avatars that can stay in the normal world better to hide from mages/church/etc.
MC and any human that manages to turn into demons are unique in that they have pure physical bodies. This makes it so that they can use their full power in the normal world whereas normal strong demons need to make avatars
They are spiritual beings that are based in Hell, so their physical bodies are always avatars the exception are mortals that are turned into demons, their souls stay in their OG bodies
I do post chapters, they're just usually slightly later in the day, working on one rn actually!
ye, alternate universe version of it