

2018-04-19 BergabungGlobal





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  • Falsic
    Balas Cyberjoker

    1. Black zetsu is only shown as manipulating Madara and Obito in the Uchihas specifically. Obito may have spoken some words to the Uchiha elders, though that's not confirmed in canon. 2. The Uchiha were excluded from politics primarily because of Danzo whispering into his friend's ear and the control he had over spreading rumors. Remember, it's a confirmed fact that Danzo does use misinformation campaigns to direct Konoha's attention. He did this with Naruto to focus Konoha's resentment on a single point. 3. The Uchiha weren't feared by Konoha. Part 1 makes it explicitly obvious that they were like demigods in their own village. To Danzo though, they were liabilities with power they didn't deserve to have... so he took it. Even Tobirama points out that it makes sense to be cautious of a group that gains power through emotional distress, because by the time they have it, they're single-minded machines of death. Shisui is probably the only exception and even he couldve been worse if his eyes didnt have a 10 year limit. Even Itachi, the peoples champion, notes that his decisions throughout his life were effectively awful decisions that led Sasuke in a terrible direction.

    The pressure brought by the Uchiha clan was becoming increasingly heavy. Despite the calm appearance of the village, there were hidden undercurrents.
    Naruto: Mihawk Template
    Komik · plotplanner
  • Falsic

    He literally didn't arrive until it ended. You can't prevent something you were never present to stop.

    If he had such strength, could he have prevented the tragedy from happening that day?
    Naruto: Mihawk Template
    Komik · plotplanner
  • Falsic

    But... what's Danzos basis for this statement? He hasn't produced any Kage level shinobi and, based on his few fights, he himself isn't Kage level. Considering how wasteful he was with his Izanagi against Sasuke, he doesn't seem to have too much combat experience.

    "Hiruzen, why don't you understand until now? Only Root can handle that child. Only powerful ninjas are qualified to bear the darkness of Konoha."
    Naruto: Mihawk Template
    Komik · plotplanner
  • Falsic
    Balas Cyberjoker

    It's not a lack of strength. It's the allowance of tumors to fester before removing them. Danzo is the great cancer of the ninja world, and Hiruzen fed it until he became malignant.

    The pressure brought by the Uchiha clan was becoming increasingly heavy. Despite the calm appearance of the village, there were hidden undercurrents.
    Naruto: Mihawk Template
    Komik · plotplanner
  • Falsic

    Are they idiots? Naruto wasn't good at this age. You don't need to 'hide your strength' to not need to use it.

    "I even feel like this kid is holding back his strength."
    Naruto: Mihawk Template
    Komik · plotplanner
  • Falsic

    What secrets? What is this a Wuxia novel? They're like six years old here, the regular kind. What six year old thinks the talented kid is full of 'secrets'?

    What secrets does Ryujiro hold to get recommended by the Hokage to enter the school?
    Naruto: Mihawk Template
    Komik · plotplanner
  • Falsic

    Yeah... but unless the MC plans to be a messiah figure himself, Dragon ball's Mr. Satan is a useful figure. He can singlehandedly convince the whole world to stand with the protagonist(s) during world ending threats. Goku would not have won the buu fight without him. He's a fraud, but exposing him doesn't do anyone any good.

    Ch 19 Videl's Unwavering Belief Crumbles!
    Reborn in Dragon Ball as Son Goten: Start Bonus Ultra Instinct-Sign
    Komik · Clay_Champion
  • Falsic
    Balas Masashiro

    Thanks for clarifying. Now I know to ignore this rating.

    MHA: The Green Blur
    Komik · drswagman
  • Falsic

    You're making Shinobu reeaalllll trusting. I can tell you're not a fan of tension between the MC and love interest(s). The problem is... you're making her look incompetent. She didn't need to expose the location of their base... she could've started by asking him to prove himself by locating and slaying an upper moon. It'd be a hyper low risk to her, rather than completely expose their base to an invested stranger.

    Ch 9 Chapter 9 - Battling Upper Moon
    Immortal's Omniversal Conquest
    Komik · LittleWind
  • Falsic

    How is Cao Cao so durable? Isn't the logic behind DxD humans that they're fragile if they're actually injured? With such serious damage to his dominant hand and thigh, that should've finished him. Humans aren't like Issei... Vasco is the stated exception.

    Buku ini telah dihapus.
  • Falsic

    You can tell the author reallllyyy doesn't like the church.

    Buku ini telah dihapus.
  • Falsic
    Balas Yamette_Kutasai

    It's a fair point that perspective matters. That said, losing to someone is often a way to toughen a character if they're meant to be relevant outside of an antagonistic context. Shinji from Fate is an example of the opposite. He's meant to be a pathetic antagonist, so he doesnt need to grow. The sith from star wars are an example that do become stronger from their losses. The concept extends far beyond Shounen. As for becoming more vile... Wulin in this context doesn't have any particular driving factors to go in that direction. He doesn't have any parental neglect, lack of friends, or even negative peer pressure. Here, It's presented as innate and, based on everything we know of his thought process, he's innately kind.

    Wizard Of Douluo Continent
    Derivasi dari karya · Astra_20
  • Falsic
    Balas Yamette_Kutasai

    There's a difference between a tougher version of a main character and the vile excuse of a human being that's laid out in this story.

    Wizard Of Douluo Continent
    Derivasi dari karya · Astra_20
  • Falsic
    Balas Sir_Squirrel

    At least the idea is conveyed. It's impossible not to understand what's being portrayed here.

    Mainly due to his research paper titled 'Construction Ideas for Artificial External Micro Magic Circuits Participating in Controllable Nuclear Fusion Processes,' which was so shocking that it alarmed even the Clock Tower's hidden monsters, almost leading to a sealing designation.
    Fate/Ultimate Antagonist
    Komik · XElenea
  • Falsic
    Balas Y0G_S0TH0TH

    Honestly... I would've preferred if Sakura had the Bakugo seal during the pain arc and, using Naruto's perfect sage mode as a reference, found a way to combine it with natural energy. It could've given her her own sage byakugo mode. It would've been easy to write too. She's a known studier, has a perfect reference, easy access to said reference, and Sasuke as motivation.

    Sakura Haruno, was a genius in Chakra control. From his experience with Tsunade, Hiruzen knew that her control is way better than Tsunade at her age. After hearing her achievements in medical ninjutsu, Hiruzen had personally paid a visit to the hospital to see her work. And he was astonished with her proficiency. Although for a moment he thought that she was suppressing her Chakra, he didn't find anything suspicious so he dismissed the idea.
    Reborn as a Useless girl
    Komik · AnimefanfictionInd
  • Falsic
    Balas Y0G_S0TH0TH

    That's not what Kishimoto intended. By the war arc, all Sanin students were written as surpassing their teachers. Does it make sense? No, but Sakura isn't a main character, so Kishimoto didn't care too much. He's on record saying he thought of her in a similar manner as the other Konoha 11.

    Sakura Haruno, was a genius in Chakra control. From his experience with Tsunade, Hiruzen knew that her control is way better than Tsunade at her age. After hearing her achievements in medical ninjutsu, Hiruzen had personally paid a visit to the hospital to see her work. And he was astonished with her proficiency. Although for a moment he thought that she was suppressing her Chakra, he didn't find anything suspicious so he dismissed the idea.
    Reborn as a Useless girl
    Komik · AnimefanfictionInd
  • Falsic
    Balas Y0G_S0TH0TH

    I'm guessing this is a joke, but I'll rebut anyway. The war arc shows Sakura's chakra control remaining at peak levels even after receiving Naruto's kyubi cloak and her own Byakugo. The fact that it was her first time using both should've had her control completely messed up. Kishimoto doesn't acknowledge his statement that her control was due to her small pool. In current canon, it's intact regardless of her chakra volume. She could eat a chakra fruit and still be fully in control.

    Sakura Haruno, was a genius in Chakra control. From his experience with Tsunade, Hiruzen knew that her control is way better than Tsunade at her age. After hearing her achievements in medical ninjutsu, Hiruzen had personally paid a visit to the hospital to see her work. And he was astonished with her proficiency. Although for a moment he thought that she was suppressing her Chakra, he didn't find anything suspicious so he dismissed the idea.
    Reborn as a Useless girl
    Komik · AnimefanfictionInd
  • Falsic

    It’s intentional by fanfic authors to excuse irrational behavior by the canon cast. Why doesn’t Rias study senjutsu to help Koneko, hire a team of therapists, or study alternatives to defeat her fiancé… blame it on a bad case of sloth. Narratively, any of these would’ve been solved easily in story within a single volume, but progression off screen is a sin. It’s the DxD equivalent to Naruto learning almost nothing substantial over his timeskip. It’s jarring for readers when they look past the author’s narrative approach and realize that offscreen characters are vastly different from their onscreen counterparts. Long story short: the sins are rationalizations to mend the shattered suspension of disbelief.

    1. No. Devils don't have assigned sins, and they don't need to 'fulfil' their seven sins to keep their minds in check. That's headcanon.
    DxD: The Uncrowned Super Devil
    Komik · Pastlives
  • Falsic

    This novel is practically all my pet peeves at once. It’s a classic OP protagonist that hates the unstable factors of the story and is prevented from taking action by the will of the universe. Not only that, but he lacks any sort of persistence when trying to accomplish anything. He tries, waits for them to get stronger, and tries again. It’s not something I recommend anyone reading. It’s infuriating.

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  • Falsic
    Balas iLeech

    Fanfics of fantasy action novels are defined by these. Plus... it was in the title. It's as advertised, regardless of how little sense it makes.

    Xu Sheng looked at the eight red and one gold Soul Rings floating at his feet. He had planned to live a lazy life, but now he didn't know what to say…
    I really am a Titled Douluo
    Derivasi dari karya · Bright Pupil