Membaca buku-buku
What about the second pill?!?! He only just recently completely refined the first one
Isn’t his spirit wraiths part of his spirit devour skill???
Author!!! Gotta check your math. You wrote his sworanship skill was 62/100 a few paragraphs before and then after his 3 hr training 63/100 then wrote “two points increase”!?!?!? I think the story and development but YOU GOTTA BE CONSISTENT
1 point increase in 3hrs!!!! Kind of harah
Should be level 3
Chapter 10 he also leveled up swordsman class to level 3 alongside peasant class at level 3!!!
I thought he leveled up both Pesant and swordsman to level 3?!?
100 chapters in, why hasn’t Jeremy practice some kind of martial art or close combat techniques???? If he’s supposed to be a striker why has he practiced any techniques or physical conditioning or enhancements. Love the story but don’t understand why, with no class, he just sits around
It’s more like 80% if this chapter is from the previous chapter
Come on!!! 80% of this chapter is the previous chapter