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Well done! This was the best Fallout fanfic I've ever read, great job! I'll be looking forward to your next books!
Hmm, who am I missing? I'm genuinely curious. Lannister, Tyrell, Targarien, Baratheon, Arryn, Martell, Hightower, Redwyne, Tully. That's 9 houses who are most likely wealthier than Starks. Who are the #10 and #11 though? Manderlys? Greyjoy? Yronwood? Dayne? Tarly? Velarions? Frey? Reynes should be dead by now, or they would've been in. None of them feel like they're better off than Starks.
The man, the myth, the legend
Even better than the in-game 235%, nice
Considering the barricades on the NCR side of the dam and the dam itself, they shouldn't be able to make it to the legion fortifications on the eastern side without some serious firepower. Archimedes can help with that, but would probably damage the dam enough for a breach to form, and water would do the rest.
...Mr. New Vegas here. Panic has spread across the New Vegas. For the first time in history, the city has gone dark, with Lucky 38 and the Old Mormon Fort remaining the only major locations with access to electricity. Casinos have stopped their operations. Securitrons and the NCR MP's have managed to secure the Strip, but Freeside remains chaotic to this hour. Travelers are advised to avoid New Vegas until situation stabilizes. _____ ... An update on recent events. Witnesses from the Bitter Springs have reported seing a massive explosion from the direction of the Hoover dam, that resulted in the Dam getting heavily damaged. Local villagers have told us that water level in lake Mead has dropped by an inch, but the validity of those claims remain uncertain. NCR officials refuse to make comments until further investigation.
On one side, like 60% of this chapter is a dialogue copied from the game. On another side, what is perfect needs no change. Don't know how to feel about it.
🎵🎵 I don't want to set the world on fire I just want to start a flame in your heart🎵🎵
This scene wouldn't be out of place in a shounen anime 😑.