I like fiction just as much as the next guy. That said, my genres are kingdom, overpowered, reincarnation, army building,
Membaca buku-buku
You answered one of my questions. What about when will you continue writing?
The dude became a vampire without noticing it. What a poor guy.
What happened? To your zombie novel? Will it be continued soon?
Oh boy. If only he knew that Jabba betrayed him because Robin betrayed Jabba's trust. If only he knew. Smh
No. It is an ideology thing
World peace is not possible without an outside source, like an alien invasion. Too many groups hate each other for that to be possible.
Is this the guy that is going to be the future villain?
Bahahaha Kai, it would make sense why people would think of this guy,though.
She was bringing gifts long before Her vassals transgression.
I can imagine lulu goes for a visit just for minos and his wife's to be visiting the continent and they only miss each other by a couple days.