Membaca buku-buku
I was hoping Sera would awaken and ambush them midfight, but this works too :D
I lives! yay
this new class have so far nothing to do with any of mc's choices and interest, it's wrong, even if its op. Let's hope his next power up is not some magical girl transformation, or having to sing I'm a little teapot for buffs.
i hope he gets it with next chapter along with what it does
There are some words that can describe it. Full of filler. Wasted potential. Can skip 3/4 of chapter ignoring fillers.
The only suspense is wondering if story continues between/after filler words and the 5th pov for the same thing.
After ch 300 400 novel becomes homeopaty. 99% water(filler words, overly described reactions/descriptions, more povs for a fight than fighting moves) 1% novel
Yea this is like homeopathy. 99% water 1% conent.
The later chapters completely throws the power system out of the window, and mc getting stronger only makes it more confusing, since every new enemy usually can stomp the mc if not for his brain. Just make it a supernatural power novel, problem solved.