


An avid reader and hobby author.

2018-03-21 BergabungUnited States





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  • TJ_Watkins
    Balas Rastislav

    No, seriously, it's a literal plot. The Stormcloaks provide an enemy for him to rally his enemies against that isn't as daunting as a literal god. Keeping Ulfric alive is all part of his plot to grow his power and influence in a respectable manner.

    "It is simple" Ulfric Stormcloak spoke after a moment of thought "We must win, and we must win hard, pushing as far into their territory as we can once the advantage is ours. The time for half measures is over. We will win, Talos willing, or we will die." As he spoke he moved a figurine carved in his likeness to a certain spot on the map of Dawnstar Hold.
    Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale
    Derivasi dari game · Rastislav
  • TJ_Watkins

    You can get offsides with a hand? I thought it was judged on where your feet are.

    It was just slightly and his fingers were barely a few centimeters behind Stefan de Vrij, but it was enough for an offside call according to the rules of the game.
    Greatest Of All Legends
    Olahraga · Sphire1707
  • TJ_Watkins

    Talos: I'm not willing!

    "It is simple" Ulfric Stormcloak spoke after a moment of thought "We must win, and we must win hard, pushing as far into their territory as we can once the advantage is ours. The time for half measures is over. We will win, Talos willing, or we will die." As he spoke he moved a figurine carved in his likeness to a certain spot on the map of Dawnstar Hold.
    Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale
    Derivasi dari game · Rastislav
  • TJ_Watkins

    I mean... I'd recommend she eat the remaining piece so she can keep up, but there really is only one option here unless you want to call the others to help. Thankfully, this won't be the first time between you two.

    He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and burying his face in his hands. The heat radiating from his body was almost unbearable, a reminder of the chocolate's potent effects. His mind raced, trying to find a way to cope with the overwhelming desire.
    Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives
    Game · UnholyGod
  • TJ_Watkins

    The only relation Sifo-Dyas has with Grevious is that Dooku tried to infuse Sifo-Dyas's blood into Grevious to make him Force sensitive. It didn't work.

    The latter would be present in the Phantom Menace, but the former wasn't shown in the movies. Yet it was through Master Sifo-Dyas's death that General Grievous came into existence. As a result of Master Dyas perishing, Master Shaak-ti would become the new overseer on Planet Kamino to watch over the clones' training programs alongside the Kaminoans.
    Star Wars: A New Life
    Komik · Aht
  • TJ_Watkins

    yes, yes they are.

    Still, my presence forbade him from going wild as he willed so instead of continuing a war of attrition he would lose, he switched tactics. The words of whirlwind sprint resounded across the battlefield as began manoeuvering with even greater speed, grabbing those unfortunate enough to catch his eye and launching them into the air, or at their comrades.
    Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale
    Derivasi dari game · Rastislav
  • TJ_Watkins

    Me remembering how I massacred dragons in Skyrim "Are they really that dangerous?"

    "Single dragon, should be one of the weaker ones." I answer simply "Still, expect losses."
    Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale
    Derivasi dari game · Rastislav
  • TJ_Watkins

    Did we lose two?

    John then sat back down beside me in the drop ship and began to observe the surroundings outside the window like the rest of us in Blue team. I couldn't help but smirk imagining what Mendez's face may look like when all 73 of us came strolling in at the same time.
    Halo: Anomaly in the Galaxy
    Derivasi dari game · MEMES_R_gud
  • TJ_Watkins

    You may have just saved yourself from expulsion with your desire to ask questions and admit your mistake.

    Chief Mendez's reprimand lasted for at least another ten minutes where he continued to grind my previous line of reasoning to dust and made sure that I knew just how wrong it was. Eventually, I was done with my questions and him with his reprimand and I began to turn around to leave. I said a simple goodbye and began to walk out, but before I walked out I noticed him begin typing something up on his computer. While I was curious why he immediately seemed to change what he was doing before I came in, it wasn't my business, and besides he had already dismissed me to return to the cafeteria.
    Halo: Anomaly in the Galaxy
    Derivasi dari game · MEMES_R_gud
  • TJ_Watkins

    Nah, you should probably shoot him to save him from being tortured for Intel by the enemy.

    "Alpha... Let me ask 𝐲𝐨𝐮 a question," Mendez emphasized 'you' with an annoyed expression, "Let us say you and your team are behind enemy lines. You trip and fall down an embankment and shatter your femur," he spoke without changing the glint in his eyes. His words flowed as if this wasn't much of a hypothetical at all, making his words all the more serious, "You can't walk, and you are miles away from any friendlies. From your reasoning if I was the leading soldier in the platoon I should just leave you behind, should I not?"
    Halo: Anomaly in the Galaxy
    Derivasi dari game · MEMES_R_gud
  • TJ_Watkins

    A gun only got one muzzle and a man only has two hands. Lots of desperate people in an enclosed place? You'd have to be a fool not to be on guard.

    "I am not afraid of some two-bit thug. What I am worried about is that there could have been slight insurrectionist activity. While I am glad our trip to Epsilon Eridani IV went off without any sightings of them I would still rather not push my luck," spoke the Lieutenant
    Halo: Anomaly in the Galaxy
    Derivasi dari game · MEMES_R_gud
  • TJ_Watkins

    Didn't she already try this with Elio and fail.

    Sophia's mind raced with anticipation. She had planned it perfectly. By the time Mark finished his workout and they headed to the lobby for a coffee, Allen should be done with his shower and preparing to leave. She wanted Allen to see how close she was to Mark, to see them interacting, laughing, maybe even touching. She wanted to make Allen burn with jealousy, to feel the sting of seeing her with another man.
    Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives
    Game · UnholyGod
  • TJ_Watkins

    mental problems on the other hand...

    Sophia shook her head, still maintaining her breathless act. "No, I don't have any health issues," she replied, her voice soft but insistent.
    Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives
    Game · UnholyGod
  • TJ_Watkins

    and then you ruined it by trying to chase after a guy who wasn't interested and using those who did care about you to try and draw him in without a care for their feelings.

    Sophia leaned back in her chair, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of emotions inside her. She remembered the early days of Hell's Gate when everything was simpler. The thrill of exploration, the satisfaction of building something from scratch, the camaraderie of their small but tight-knit guild. She had been his right hand, always there with a plan, a strategy, or just a word of encouragement.
    Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives
    Game · UnholyGod
  • TJ_Watkins

    Is that really a question?

    "Are you sure you guys are up for shopping?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "You both look like you need a nap more than a retail adventure," he made sure.
    Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives
    Game · UnholyGod
  • TJ_Watkins

    That's a great way of putting it. It is a cultural thing, but almost no one ever thinks of being a part of the 1% as being part of a different culture.

    Azura chimed in, her voice light and encouraging. "Exactly. It's just a bit of culture shock."
    Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives
    Game · UnholyGod
  • TJ_Watkins

    Cause he is not used to having people willing to help.

    "Why didn't he ask for my help?" Azura muttered, more to herself than to Kai.
    Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives
    Game · UnholyGod
  • TJ_Watkins

    I'd also recommend making sure security is aware of your mother and stepfather's appearance and that are most certainly NOT on the guest list so if they do show up they should quickly and quietly be escorted out of the public eye and kept secure until the event is over and all the guests have left as they are definitely there to cause trouble.

    Allen's thoughts raced. He knew he'd be inviting his childhood best friend, Geralt, to the event. Geralt, with his easy charm and knack for smoothing over difficult situations, might be able to help Evan attend without raising any suspicions.
    Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives
    Game · UnholyGod
  • TJ_Watkins

    Well actually, if you delay long enough Mirak might decide to drop by for a snack.

    "We can delay it if you don't feel like it." I tell her patiently "But delaying it won't make it go away, I am afraid."
    Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale
    Derivasi dari game · Rastislav
  • TJ_Watkins

    of course. he's a cultivation MC. It's fine for him to betray, lie, cheat, and massacre entire families, but heaven forbid he suffer similar treatment or consequences.

    While he had plans of betrayal as well, being deceived first clouded his judgment, making him blind to his own hypocrisy.
    Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist
    Fantasi Timur · Evil_Villain