


Avid fan of Chinese novels being my primary hobby outside of work in IT.

2018-03-18 BergabungUnited States



Membaca buku-buku

  • dfektz
    dfektz2 years ago

    I am writing this at the point in which I plan to stop reading the book. I will include spoilers in the review so don't read further if you want to go into the story without knowledge.The story starts of alright, the premise going into the main part of the story is a bit of the red flag and sets the groundwork for the main character being an obsessed emo protagonist pursuing his tragically dead love from earth.The author starts off the story and background on a strong note and the motivations of the protagonist (villain) seem alright to start, not good and really logical but not outright terrible as long as he is adaptable. From the early part of the story it goes downhill from there, the author makes the cast of characters and interrelationships extremely convoluted and the obsessed emo mc gets worse from the starting point, he doesn't seem to learn or grow and due to the speed and frequency that potential female leads are introduced it is hard to tell who we should get attached to, if anyone, due to the lack of development and meaningful interactions there are.As others point out, the MC is obsessed about being the ultimate wingman for one of the story's original MCs (because according to the world building there will be three).It isn't until the MC is ditched by the guy he has been attempting to help the entire time and almost gets the MC and his sister killed does he drop this mindset and plans to try and manipulate him to his cause. (Though if I had to predict what will happen going forward is that this will repeat itself for the other two Main Characters.The other issue I have run into (as of the last chapter released before privilege) is that one of the female leads who has been characterized as sweet and innocent is now randomly off and confessing to the MC despite not loving him? The sudden backtracking on that relationship is just confusing and comes off as bad.Overall, and to be blunt, the MC comes off as pathetic, stupid, and a shonen protagonist that is as dense as the great wall.I haven't felt like I have gotten any "payoff" as a reader so all of the story is just depressing as it is either the main character getting his ass kicked left and right, failing at his task, or simply failing to be a better character.

  • dfektz
    dfektz2 years ago

    My personal review of this would be around 2 stars (if not using webnovel's calculator). Overall the story starts off pretty strong but as it goes on, I became more and more disinvested with everything, I do personally like harems and that was one of the tags that brought me to this novel and it honestly seems like it should be removed and replaced with the tragedy tag. I was reading this story because I enjoy becoming invested in characters and the relationships they develop especially if they are done well and the story gives off the illusion of doing that. The story hints on modern topics that some people might not like such as body dysmorphia and transitioning but does so in the least discomforting way for people who try to insert themselves into the MC by making the character friendly to the MC while being in a romance with another character. Some of the other characters that get fleshed our and developed over hundreds of chapters either get seemingly randomly killed off or their personality just becomes irrationaly stupid and disliked and eventually killed off. I say seemingly above because the author does use foreshadowing to hint at some of the plot devices that kill off those characters and some of the plot direction. By the chapter I reached after the author just killed off a majority of the side characters and sub-romantic interests, I no longer trust that the author would be able to deliver a satisfactory ending let alone an enjoyable journey. There is very little payoff on any of the relationships the MC has or seems to develop, so I would commend anyone who could finish the book but I for one find it too painful to continue on. (Which also means I will not read the authors other works since according to their comments, this is the type of style they enjoy writing with.) For anyone who bothered to read all the way through this review, I wouldn't suggest reading the story unless you have a lot of patience and someone who doesn't mind dropping a book at any point where it gets too frustrating.

  • dfektz
    dfektz3 years ago
    Balas KuroganeOfBaothien

    I believe it is actually 24, I thought he got 10 for each old man from the Abyss.

  • dfektz
    dfektz4 years ago

    I think the sudden change is interesting and enjoyable, you should keep at it.

  • dfektz
    dfektz4 years ago
    Balas Jude_Madakor

    That was covered in the first thought of my comment: (it has) "more to do with the stillness of the water vs. the surface area of the body simultaneously breaking said surface tension." That is describing a belly flop and why it hurts, "feeling like hitting cement."

  • dfektz
    dfektz4 years ago

    I think there is a slight misunderstanding of the feeling like cement idea, this has little to do with the speed of the water and more to do with the stillness of the water vs. the surface area of the body simultaneously breaking said surface tension. someone dumping a pail of water from a three-story building probably wouldn't hurt much because it wouldn't have that much volume (weight) or time to build up speed (though I admittedly don't have experience with this, so I could very well be wrong) I don't doubt that the experience the author is going for would in fact be painful and I think a better metaphor from modern experience would be getting sprayed by a highly pressurized hose (like a firehose) directly.

  • dfektz
    dfektz4 years ago
    Balas CosmicPrime

    Fair enough, It might have been a snap reaction as the situation for me just felt distasteful. I am sure that Anne is probably a darker character than she was portrayed as (essentially being the slave overseer) I will probably shelve this for now until I am more in the mood where I don't mind psychopathic leads. (my first impression of the characters - granted their backgrounds justify it) Keep up the good work.

  • dfektz
    dfektz4 years ago

    Yeah, not going to lie. This and the last few chapters seemed extremely pointless. The plan was more than enough at causing a distraction the separated them from the group, 2 1st realm servants hardly seem like a reason to commit a manhunt, the slaughter of clan members on the other hand is definitely a reason. For a MC that seems to be about calmly planning, that seems like a poor decision.

  • dfektz
    dfektz4 years ago
    Balas Waseem_Riaz_2886

    Otoha's driver that she views as a sister is that one I believe.