Pretty simple story, I'm just a Novel Enthusiast. I like Novel Ideas, Novels in general, and Nobel Prize winner Alfred Nobel (He invented dynamite & I find that pretty Neat).
Membaca buku-buku
I guess this would be the part where I talk about how uplifting and moving the writing was.... Instead I’d rather take the time to describe just how handsome this Author is. Seems to be pretty handsome to me. 10/10 #1 Movie in America and all that, Critics love him, etc.
Hook me up with some sauce
Exalted - 1. of a person or their rank or status) placed at a high or powerful level; held in high regard. 2. in a state of extreme happiness. Didn’t know that about that 2nd definition, I guess you really do learn something new every day.
Finally got here early
Gotta give it 5 stars for the tournament arc. Handsome Author, is Handsome Handsome Author, is Handsome Handsome Author, is Handsome Handsome Author, is Handsome