Membaca buku-buku
Sorry probably not. I’ll try to find something after.
It’s still up and the link still works.
I figured out after a while that you can go to your collection online and search through the chapters. So if I can’t remember if I posted a story I go to it on webnovel, on safari, then you add \catalog to the end of the url and then it’ll let you search for a story using that. If the story isn’t there i post.
Yea 40,000 words
I have a couple I’m waiting to get to 40,000
For those I just chopped the first chapter up, and left a note that this isn’t the full first chapter. Just stop where you feel is natural. Good luck with your collection and let me know the name with you post it.
Thanks I’ll check it out
The link is near the beginning
I did, thanks
Thank you