I'm weird. Lol
Membaca buku-buku
He can make an income writing and drawing comics on the side to support the family.
Please make the mc sing the song "Bad by The Cab" in his world tour to make all the girls pining on him wonder what kind of rock and roll debauchery he's been doing without them. 😁
Something's off. The story's good but it's like his personality traits doesn't match his skill sets. A guy like him who's passive, someone who does not take measures in making no one messes with him or people he cares about will never be passionate in a sports like boxing. People like that are not passive, they either have repressed aggression or a trigger but the mc have no repressed anger nor aggression since you already told his backstory. It's like saying a guy is a genius without exhibiting the traits of a genius. It feels off and artificial...
Please don't include Rei in the harem. Let her have a reverse harem with Hisashi and Takashi. Why? Because she's a one dimensional character with a problematic mindset. Remember, she was in love with Hisashi one moment, a few hours after that she got over him. Hisashi and Takashi's loyalty to the mc have more weight to it than having a problematic woman who might destabilize your MC's harem and/or group.
Reverse Truck-kun??
I gotta admit. I never liked the whole 4 eyes, 4 arms thing. It looked...well...ridiculous. And the plot has been going too edgy and too dramatic for my taste. The reason why jjk and invincible is so popular is because they balance the edgy parts with comic relief along with some brilliant insight and mystery. So yeah, it's getting pretty stale to me. On the other hand, I found a great invincible fic because this novel made me crave more invincible fic. Title: Collector's Edition Author: Cherico Site: Questionable Questing
Too edgy for me.
Meemaw is chapter 10 😁
This is awesome! The story is fast but not too fast that we barely connect with the characters. It's exactly the right amount of pace to show the bond the family. If I had to say a problem, it would be the neglect of some family members like Missy and Mimaw. For the first few chapters, I was even wondering if the author forgot that Missy exist. I was just wondering where's their grandmother in all of this.