

2018-03-04 BergabungGlobal





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  • vakht
    vakht2 years ago

    What did I just attempt to read... This is the perfect example of the kind of nonsense translated stories can be. You got sentences that don't make sense, descriptions that are impossible to understand, names that came out of a random xianxia generator, cliche characters and events... Sun frog splitting fist gravel b*llshit. Does that name make any sense!? This collection of words is full of them.

  • vakht
    vakht3 years ago

    Classic example of the myriad novels on webnovel. It's got cardboard characters, cyclic plot, overused tropes/sayings/ideas, and it's even got words that don't exist. If you're a new reader to the genre, you may stomach this, but those who've read more, you'll find the old annoyances aplenty.

  • vakht
    vakht3 years ago

    Considering it's a translation, I won't bother reviewing the story. Suffice it to say, it's a dumpster fire. Read if you feel like your life is too long. As for the translation. It's understandable, even if the use of English is poor.

  • vakht
    vakht3 years ago

    The punctuation and formatting are all over the place. You have a nonsensical narrative POV, going from the first person to the third person to sometimes the second person. It's d*mn confusing.

  • vakht
    vakht3 years ago

    The concept got me reading, but the execution sucked the excitement from the experience. Most of the chapters are slow paced, meandering, and introspective. This makes the reading experience boring because nothing ever happens. It's stale. After 10 chapters I began skimming paragraphs to see if anything change, but it remained the same quantity over quality trash.

  • vakht
    vakht3 years ago

    The author writes much of the story in passive voice. It makes it feel like you're not present for anything. We don't experience the story though the narrative POV, but we're told it in the most boring way. There are inconsistencies with the narrative distance and focus. For instance, sometimes you get told how someone else thinks, despite it not being established its omniscient POV. One thing that bothers the most is: What is his motivation? If the goal is to do a vlog, why does he do it? Money? Its clear vlogging becomes pointless after the first 20 chapters. So at the end of the day, the idea behind this story is a cheap hook to get you reading. Then it turns into the typical wish fulfilment trash.

  • vakht
    vakht3 years ago
    Balas Fallout_Armageddon

    Very well written? That was sarcastic, right? The writing is 2/5 at best. Reading the first chapter was painful. I mean, how many characters are in the scene? Is it 1 or 2? The author uses he and they interchangeably which is wrong. He mixes up tenses. Passive voice. Telling. The writing is below average.