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the story was a good time waster, it was fun at times and a bit of a chore at others but overall it was decent that was until around 400 chapters or closer to 500 the author seemed to not know what to write about and just started describing things and stretching the story, the whole vacation arc was a disappointment and it shouldn't exist, I dropped the novel after that.
an old comment but I'll still reply. I'm not defending the author nor do i know if he even understands. war happens for a lot of reasons that may seem illogical to a citizen or normal person. sometimes it is to exhaust the economy or man power of the neighboring countries sometimes it's to train young officers and soldiers, yes a lot will die but it is of no consequence to the so called bigger picture sometimes it is over territory and/or resources sometimes it is for monetary gain of the manufacturers of weapons and to siphon funds from the country to a select few of people A lot of the time it is simply for more power and control, as while it may seem stupid, power and control is a drug more potent and more addictive than anything else.
" you have win.." 'you have won..'
"that made to shout..." 'that made him shout'
" you experience more worse.." 'you will experience something worse..."
"when Taylor say this grin.." 'when taylor saw that grin' or if you want to keep the present tense 'seeing that grin, Taylor finally ...'
3. "more robust to the other..." correct ' more robust compared to the other'
1. "other soldier have..." grammar 'other soldier has...' 2. "blond hair as part of it covered a part of..." structure+grammar, the correct way 'blond hair that covers a part of...'
1. " have a dark hair that..." grammar issue right wording would be 'has dark hair...' 2. "low, an eyeglass that..." grammar issue and gives bad flow to the comma before also eyeglass might bewilder the reader into thinking it's monocular (for one eye) should be either 'low, eyeglasses that...' or 'low, glasses that...'
2. "two military soldiers could.." no need to repeat the word' military ' as it implies a different group other than the 5.