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duh, of course none would refuse when he have passive brainwash skill that makes them accept harem
would be funny if it turns out both hinata and ino are his past life companions
if you want to make novel that even people who didn't read xianxia can enjoy, then maybe explain xianxia element to those? i read those so i know cultivation stages etc, but so far there wasn't much explanation about those elements which contradicts your sentence
finally those horrible info dumb chapters are finished. Author you used AI to think of those alternate paradox names right? No way human could think of such bad names
not here, author is just trying to ruin story
Easy answer - author is dumb and is ruining otherwise good story with MC level denseness
so he can heal random ilness he knows nothing about but can't heal physical wounds? WTF is that?
yeah no, he's now half-fairy half-devil. Same case as Akeno when her human half got replaced with devil
dafuq are those names for paradox pokemons?
it was starting good, but with each chapter quality drops - currently at the point where Lockhart teaches at hogwarts and for some reason he tries to portray himself as close to original as possible - even tho there was really no need for it to be - its basically copy paste of original with minimal changes. Not to mention authot notes at the start and end of chapter are becoming longer and longer - they are like 30% of chapter's length at this point