Membaca buku-buku
The writing quality is very average, maybe below it depending on your standards. The conversations between people especially feel inorganic. The characters are very - mtl quantity over quantity writing style.
The authors' choice of transmigration and immaturity doesn't go along well together. A grown man acting all childish doesn't go along that's all.Also the development, till 16 chapters not even a day has passed. Thousands of words and yet only some progress. Loads of fillers in it, that doesn't contribute anything to the plot.I hope the author edits and paces their work properly in the future.
At death's door and still bushing. 😂.......,...................Nice one author
It's written and structured very badly. Things happening is very chaotic but not in a good way
thank god. I really like your writing but I couldn't care any less about one-piece especially with the Novel being IN MARVEL
Frusciante, legendary guitarist from Red Hot Chillie Peppers and River did drugs and river over dosed. It's quite controversial and many blame frusciante while many don't. At the end river wanted to do drugs and its also his responsibility for his life.
The author wants to portray MC as cool funny dude but he doesn't have that charm that gravitates around people like that. The conversations are also very...lame. Nothing wrong with it, a real person can say that. But the only girls who would find that amusing or funny would be...a girl in a redditor's head.Its like Meta Essence Gacha but without the MC's charm
Too much edge tbh. The tone of the chapters and characters sometimes don't match with each other.