Started reading wuxia novels 10 years ago and gradually expanded onto xanxia in the last 3 years
Membaca buku-buku
Excellent story telling, not a huge fan of the EXTRA chapters so i usually skip those, but the main story is a great read, highly recommend 10/10.
Natasha Wanda = Winning
Excellent story, really enjoy the quality of the writing, and I feel the concept of this story is very original, not too many Marvel/Highschool DXD crossovers.
1) Emma Frost 2) Wanda Maximoff 3) Anna Marie/Rogue
See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon
See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon
See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon
Saving this chapter for a binge session, but based on past chapters I'm sure I'll love it as well :-)
Great Chapter as usual, please keep up the great work and thanks for posting.
That's understandable, no one likes to be criticized especially when they are posting their personal creations for free, i just hope you keep in mind that for every nay sayer you have a 100 fans, and considering that your stories rating is at 4.8+ that might be even understating the number of fans you have :-)