College weeb
Membaca buku-buku
Gu?! Reverend Insanity?!
Plus the political messaging of making the uniting force of the empire the same animal his clan uses...
Just keep thinking back to the fact that Clixie owes part of her current strength to Gaia, a Terran aligned spirit. Another secret thrown on the pile of facts that could blow up his life.
Throwing my hat in the ring, I'm guessing unity will drop out at this point. I think he'll justify his decision by pointing out that in the society this decision would create, he and his clan would have had almost no chance of forming. Ves graduated with mostly average grades from an above average third class university. There is no way that the beauracracy created by this decision would allow an unfocused student like him to start a business; it would be the height of wastefulness in the polymath's mind.
Thanks for the correction, love your work!
Which means one or these ancient beings was peeing in the pool on the regular.
c2590- Command conference took place on the Eager Condemnation. Still, taking out the strongest faction's deep strike carrier may have larger implications outside of this battle. They'll have less capability to take part in offensive operations in later stages of war. Konsu clan rising?
Siren should be his third choice, merchant was back with the gobbos