Software Engineer
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i love drishti
i thought her character too!!!!!!????
I can explain to you why the human body ages, follows the laws of nature, and degrades over time, but that won't help you because you currently don't believe in God. Moreover, my focus is solely on the belief in a single God; let's leave Islam aside for now. Your very existence is proof enough that God exists. You only need to look around you—everywhere are the signs of God: in nature, in your body, and within yourself. I don't even mean this philosophically, but literally—you just need to open your eyes and understand. God gave you a mind, and your mind wasn't generated randomly. Do you really think your mind is a product of chance? Everything complex has a creator: a phone, a car, even a watch. So why shouldn't we, who are infinitely more complex, have a creator? Do you think atoms can randomly create a phone? Compare that to a human. No, compare it to the world and the universe. Honestly, I'm not trying to convince you of anything here, but merely trying to open your eyes a little. Only God alone can convince you if He wills. And only God alone can create you as He wills. Why was man created exactly as he is? Islam has the answer. Islam has evidence. But none of this will matter if you deny God. Anyways, I don't want to hold a discussion here, so I'm out. If you want to continue talking about it, message me privately.
i love Diana, pls make her lead
he is 5 man, when did he start to eat a cake?
Brother, it has also the most growing converts from all religions.
Why don't you believe in a God? Do you think cell division happens by chance? Do you think protein degradation in your body also happens randomly? Or do you think the human body was built so perfectly by pure coincidence? Moreover, which is more complex, the human body or the heavens and the universe? How can one not believe in a God? Do you need proof? Then research the divine number: the golden ratio 1.618. If after your research you believe in a God, then look into the evidence for Islam. Islam is not a religion of blind faith - no, it has clear evidence of why it is the true religion. It's not without reason that it is the fastest-growing religion in the world.
it is peaceful, otherwise it wouldnt be the most growing religion worldwide. maybe dont get influenced by the media or islamphobes and make your own research. honestly it sucks if you gamble with your own soul due to prejusdice. every human will taste death
Guys, do your own souls a favour and read about Islam. Its a Religion based on proofs and it explains clearly what happens after death