the day is long, and cold. the night is short, and fierce.
Membaca buku-buku
Quite frankly I like the story. There are areas where the grammar is not the best, BUT I can make out what you are trying to say in those areas. My only hope is that you keep consistent with genders, that kills me when authors keep switching what gender they are saying for the same person. To finish up, keep up the great work.
Was this dropped?
If you need to take a break, then take a break. Don’t push yourself to hard it’s not gonna go well for you man. I don’t think any of us would like for you to mess yourself up just to put out chapters when you got real life going against you.
WB needs to do something about authors who drop novels after they get paid chapters and the privilege chapters. Kinda nonsense that this keeps happening.
Great book so far, but the author seems to have an issue where he can’t finish one book or even make it past the first 50 chapters before taping out and starting a new book. Would really like to see that issue corrected before any of his novels go premium as I dislike having to pay for things that get dropped 20-40 chapters in.
Very good so far, It is a little fast paced but doesn’t feel like you are skipping forward and missing important events. hope it gets picked up by WN.
Reading this in 2022 is hilariously ironic.
These inconsistencies are pretty terrible for something we have to pay for. Get your shit together author or translator.
Can not tell if it was dropped or if the author has other real life issues preventing the novel from continuing for now. But the book is really good and has great character and world development so far.