I'm a sour grape who prefers rational novels.
Membaca buku-buku
it's anime filler. it's ok to ignore it
1 cror is equal to 130k USD. so it is probably 1.3m USD. Very small for a movie budget.
Poor guy is gonna be living like a bum the rest of his journey
Its a video game. Kinda much to solve employment problems so early with just a pokemon game. Maybe when it grows but also its the future and you are having government dictate your game. how sad
Yeah Team Haley! Don't be a coward like the other mcs in gocha modern family and accomplish nothing in the romance department in regards to haley or alex romances
you were the closest girl, don't get any funny ideas
good he has a bracelet for each of his future "girlfriends"
booo mc has no personality.
using the site as advertisement for your own is scummy. not to mention trying to charge for a fanfic.
Great fanfic with the right amount of showing off. Characters can be a bit plain. He seems to be heading towards a harem route that i hope to see more from other regions.