Lazy and loves to eat and read
Membaca buku-buku
this is a good story but not my cup of tea though... and there's some I'm confused though, I saw story the same as this though it is in indonesian language and even f I can't read it I can see some clues here and there...
hey... this is some1 else book I've just read last night... even though I can't read or understand this indonesian language I can understand some of the clues here and there....
I should have said this in the previews chapter but only now I'll say it... Lu Qinran should be able to impregnant her lover the first time they make love bcuz they did it without protection... they were like a mindless beast in heat...
huh? she walks not swim? I thought she is a mermaid...
typhoon not hurricane... the former happens in the sea/ocean while the later happens in the land...
pls clarify f Lea is teenager or young adult... or that years have passed already... after all Lea met Luna when she was 2 or 4 yrs old... and this war happens after I think a few months hahave passed? But now this princess saw Lea and thought she was gorgeous not a cute kid or why even there is a kid in front of her in this war...
really how many years have passed already? I thought Lea is only a 2 or 4 yrs old child...
is this how 4 yrs old child shoult think or act? this child matured mentally 100x than normal... it felt like she is the same age to Thea while Luna is the teenage kid there...
she is young adult woman but she wants tot alk her worries to a 4 yrs old child...
she is young adult woman but she talk her worries to a 4 yrs old child...