Just chilling and reading I would love any recommendations
Membaca buku-buku
This would dull their swords unless they were using the invaliable mana tk coat their swords which just seems like a waist they would probally use a used torch to draw marks on the walls
This is what all these doubters are missing
it gives an explanation to the mc’s thought process being closer to modern and having knowlege of stories with cultivatin in them such as knowing about secrect information because it was in a novel or show he had seen
this isnt something that is done in ferrying of horses and donkeys and you would put it down you would pick it up so tjey couldnt kick the other leg
The average walking speed for people his age is 4.8 kph and saying they walk for 12 hrs a day thats only 4.76 years. Which is a long time and this is under idea circumstances so i get how this could be disenheartening but its achievable.
the clothes should barely fit him or talk about having to use a belt to keep his oversized pants up. or was he not even that fat
This is way better then just infinitely getting better and better techniques. Plus as long as the range is like school wide or like big enough where they dont have to stay in same room its awesome.
That was not stated in the question this is a problem of not enough information
for reference the young master who is calling them old wastes is ten years olfer then they are
they arent even middle age this is like saying some who is 30 is an old waster they should be like 90.