I like hugs, reading books and certain other stuffs. Im glad u spent time reading this, lets me know (i wouldn't actaully know) that my effort to type this wasnt wasted (^_^)
Membaca buku-buku
I kinda want to see that as well, but if they contain 106, they one of the best endings is closed off to them.
which ending?
great story so far, I love it
I was just thinking this earlier lol
the containment breach mutliplayer where you can play coop makes it easier, but only a little bit.
for a game that is 150gb, it's not gonna be cleared anytime soon. why do they keep mentioning they will 'clear the level'? it's one continuous game, and if there are no save slots or checkpoints, I don't know who could ever finish this.
I would literally die if I woke up and saw that thing next to me xd
No need to respond to this, but i feel your pain. many novels, tv shows, animes, games and movies have slowly turned to pointing out the obvious due to numerous casuals not wanting to take the time to understand or figure out things themselves. A lot of people nowadays just assume and look no further, truly is disappointing to me. Figuring out things for ourselves is half the enjoyment in anything worthwhile.
Free will is a bitch
i wish there was someone this observant around me. instead I am the observant one, but I ain't rich or powerful. ignorance truly is bliss.