Membaca buku-buku
I wonder how many nerfs this one will have compared to the millions the first one had, not only that but they are stupid nerfs not even smart ones, just the laziest, dumb nerfs you can possibly think of.
Nerfing the main character constantly is the authors favorite pass time At some point he even seals permanently 25% of the chakra of the mc, so don't expect it to get better with time
At what point does the main character start cultivating? What's the point of making her a cultivator if she literally never cultivates in over 100 chapters in?
selling my soul to someone I met hours ago and had one conversation with because she is pretty. yeah, 100% realistic characterization right there
damm, that's all it took? what a little b1tch
didn't she say that they spoke normal language but with weird idioms in chapter 1? reading comprehension
weird that there would still be a belief in gods in the year 4000 or something
well, it seems we found the reason the MC is an incel
Why would you contact a professional editor? just ask for beta readers, so long as they have a high-school level education they should be able to easily spot the thousands of grammatical errors the story has on every chapter. No need to pay for shit.
she is also batshit insane, so it's not like there are no disadvantages