i'm an old guy liking chinese novels :)
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I know that I can make the effort to understand when the man character switches from Ivan to Yvonne and then everything switches to female pronouns... but I'm just not OK with doing this gymnastique every single chapters.. no checks reading after translation nothing ... so dropped it
I don't understand shit ... sometime it's Yvan, some time it's feminine Yvonne dropped it ... not sharp enough
chapters are shorter and shorter ...; please fill us with our daily dose .... :)
I was aggreing with you but Emily tend to take less place in the story. I dunno at which chapter you were when you made that statement "that was true imho" but i'm reading everyday release and for sometime now and emily is not a present as before :) just so you know and you might give a shot to the following chapters
Thanks for the chapter :) but please try to add more content, As the last 2 or 3 chapters only contained repetitive sentences :(
Hello there, first of all I would like to say that I'm not a native english speaking guy. And before writing this review I kept trying to read this through 50 chapters. To be honest when the writter claimed this "While I did put only Marvel into the title, it is actually a Marvel/DC fanfic. Why did I do this? Because most Marvel/DC stories until now sucked" I thought wow, that's a powerfull statement saying that all the other writers sucked but he apparently had what it takes to do better, I was seduced and gave it a shot ... And how to say how desapointed I was... this story is flavorless, then again it is my own opinion and I'm not judging the readers (at least i'm not as judging as the writer himself) some part seemed rushed, other not detailed enough, going from today's to the past and Tolkien mentions well the writers keeps fuelling ideas without constructing his story enough. Also this is not even a story about going weak to strong as at his second fight the hero is fighting people who rivaled wonderwoman and survived when a week before he didn't even do sports .... his power came from who knows where as I said no construction, reflexion and consolidation of the story. A huge desapointment for me, if the writer was not so full of himself I might have been less arsh probably but when you point at others saying they suck you must be prepared to be judged as well (Sorry again for my rusty english)
thanks for the chapter
I would have done so much differently with an AI. And also he can program fast so why not a bot to grind stocks etc... no he sent a virus and gave the anti-virus ... nonsens at least in my opinion