Membaca buku-buku
why did you skip their first time author!?
Well... she seems like a decent doctor, but since learning medicine is torture, I think she WAS smart, but burned all that intelligence learning medicine
thank god you're back!!! I missed you
No, Elysia was an anomaly that shouldn't exist, her mission was to destroy humanity, but she abandoned it because she loved humanity too much, her title as herrscher of ego: human has nothing to do with her abilities, it's what she was called after revealing herself to be a herrscher exactly because she chose to fight for humanity. The names of the herrschers are more titles, an example is the herrscher of the wind whose wind manipulation is just one of his abilities, his original ability is fluid control, which also means that he is able to control liquids.
Elysia: tehe~
yes, this story is for degenerates, and i couldn't be happier about it. and author, please stay away from yuri.......................................
not even topaz. it seems that this author is a fan of hers, because she divides opinions in the community to this day, while the author makes it seem like she is unanimously favored. As for my personal opinion, no one on the CPI is any good, they all have to burn in hell.