Membaca buku-buku
I always thought that beer tasted like my vomit tastes like when it comes up. No surprise then that I don’t drink beer.
Water + 2 Aspirin + 1000 Mg of Vitamin C before bed works even better. Never really had a classic hangover. I HAVE had the sensation in my stomach—a fierce burning like I had snacked on Broken Glass and then washed it down with Battery Acid!
Read: “The Virtue of Selfishness.”
86% agree...
Begone THOT!
Ha-Ha!!!!! Didn’t even notice until you pointed it out!
Couldn’t say. I’m half-lost, reading on in hopes that it starts to make sense before my patience is exhausted and I give up on this story...
It seems that he is all set to improve his health by giving up everything even remotely enjoyable.
Okay, your system says that the profit will come in a week. I would wait until about 40-hours before the event to eliminate the possibility of any nail-biting margin calls over the next few days...